Your research

Any research due to be published that the NIHR Cambridge BRC has supported must be reported to the NIHR via the NIHR Cambridge BRC communications team, who will then upload it to our publications page.

Please fill in the form below so we have the information we need for our publications page. We may get in touch with you for more information or about developing the research story further for other public materials.

Further information about acknowledging the NIHR Cambridge BRC correctly in research papers can be found on our website.

Research form

The boxes marked * are the information required for reporting this publication to the NIHR

*Name of Cambridge author/s
*Title of paper
*Journal (Required)
*Date Published DD/MM/YYYY if known, or provide further details when it may be published
If you do not have this information yet, please leave blank and email the comms team when the published date has been made available.
*Link to paper if available
If you do not have this information yet, please leave blank and email the comms team when the link has been made available.
*How was the NIHR Cambridge BRC used for this research?
How was the NIHR Cambridge BRC used for this research?(Required)
Were the NIHR BioResource facilities used for this research?
Were the NIHR BioResource facilities used for this research?
Was the Cambridge Clinical Research Centre/ NIHR Cambridge Clinical Research Facility used for this research?
Was the Cambridge Clinical Research Centre/ NIHR Cambridge Clinical Research Facility used for this research?
*Please summarise your research in a few sentences in plain English
*Will there be a press release attached to this paper?
Will there be a press release attached to this paper?(Required)

If yes, who will be writing the press release so the NIHR Cambridge BRC comms team can get in contact with them.

Who should be contacted for any media activity e.g. interviews – it can be more than one person. Include name, phone number and email address.
*Which NIHR Cambridge BRC theme/s does this research relate to?
*Name of person completing this form
Name of person completing this form(Required)
*Email address

Optional additional information

We are always looking for research stories so we can share these on our our local channels and use in event materials. If you are able to fill in some details about your work below we would appreciate it.

What did you find out? Please provide a couple of sentences in plain English

Why is it important? Please provide a couple of sentences in plain English

Can we use this research as a case study for reports, leaflets, newsletter, website etc.?

Can we use this research as a case study for reports, leaflets, newsletter, website etc.?
If you have a Twitter account and would like the NIHR Cambridge BRC account to follow you, please provide your Twitter handle.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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