Training and development opportunities

Training and networking opportunities at the University of Cambridge

The Clinical School Postdoc Committee offers seminars, workshops and masterclasses and a postdoc network.

Seminar Series:

Cambridge Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Seminar Series
Bradford Hill Seminar Series
Milner Seminar Series

The Cambridge New Therapeutics Forum promotes interactions between scientists from academia and industry in order to improve opportunities for biotechnology research and development.

Grand Rounds take place every Wednesday at the Clinical School and the virtual Clinical School Library offers training for systematic reviews and literature searches.

The Wellcome Connecting Science Learning and Training team run training courses, conferences and other events focusing on genomics in research and healthcare. Coming up from 11-16 June at the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton is Genomics and Clinical Virology: Learn how to apply next-generation sequencing technologies to clinical virology.

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Building Skills through Master’s Level Training and Degrees

From the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education:

From the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine:

From Anglia Ruskin University (ARU):

From Clinical Academic Careers East of England (CLAC East):

From Health Education England (HEE)/NIHR:

From NIHR:

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Support for Developing a Competitive PhD Fellowship Application

PhD Fellowships

Many charities such as the British Heart Foundation, Dunhill Medical Trust etc. fund PhD fellowships. You can search on Association of Medical Research Charities or on specific charities’ websites.

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Post-doctoral and Advanced Fellowships

Many charities such as the British Heart Foundation, Dunhill Medical Trust etc. fund post-doctoral and intermediate fellowships. You can search on Association of Medical Research Charities or specific charities’ websites.

Specifically for NMAPs

NMAP Clinical Research Group meets monthly (hybrid) for peer support, speakers and networking. Please contact if you would like to be added to the mailing list.

The NMAP Research Leads for Cambridge University Hospitals offer advice, mentoring and educational opportunities. You can reach them by emailing: (NO EMAIL ADDRESS PROVIDED)

Coming up / ending soon:

  • Applications to the HEE funded research internships, pre-doctoral and post-doctoral bridging fellowships opened on 10 March and are due in mid-May. These are great opportunities for people at different points in their research interests and skill development. Applications and information are available at
  • On 16 June 2023: CUH NMAP Research Conference and Showcase, Clinical School. Keynote Speakers include Professor Avril Drummond (Occupational Therapist), Dr Zoe Fritz and Professor Christi Deaton. You can register here: The call for abstracts is now open.

***Link to Research Hub for NMAPs when developed**

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Events Calendar

Listing relevant events and training sessions for researchers and members of the public.