
The latest list of publications from the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre with a brief summary. 

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Publication: Nat Genet

von Mentzer A, Connor TR, Wieler LH, Semmler T, Iguchi A, Thomson NR, Rasko DA, Joffre E, Corander J, Pickard D, Wiklund G, Svennerholm AM, Sjöling A, Dougan G. Identification of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) clades with long-term global distribution.

10 November 2014

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Publication: Arthritis Res Ther

Vanderleyden, I., Linterman, M.A. and Smith, K.G.C.

30 October 2014

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Publication: Nature

Adolph TE, Tomczak MF, Niederreiter L, Ko H-J, Böck J, Martinez-Naves E, Glickman JN, Tschurtschenthaler M, Hartwig J, Hosomi S, Flak MB, Cusick JL, Kohno K, Iwawaki T, Billmann-Born S, Raine T, Bharti R, Lucius R, Kweon M-N, Marciniak SJ, Choi A, Hagen SJ, Schreiber S, Rosenstiel P, Kaser A & Blumberg RS

2 October 2013

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Publication: Nat Genet

He M, Miyajima F, Roberts P, Ellison L, Pickard DJ, Martin MJ, Connor TR, Harris SR, Fairley D, Bamford KB, D’Arc S, Brazier J, Brown D, Coia JE, Douce G, Gerding D, Kim HJ, Koh TH, Kato H, Senoh M, Louie T, Michell S, Butt E, Peacock SJ, Brown NM, Riley T, Songer G, Wilcox M, Pirmohamed M, Kuijper E, Hawkey P, Wren BW, Dougan G, Parkhill J, Lawley TD

9 December 2012

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Publication: Nat Genet

Okoro CK, Kingsley RA, Connor TR, Harris SR, Parry CM, Al-Mashhadani MN, Kariuki S, Msefula CL, Gordon MA, de Pinna E, Wain J, Heyderman RS, Obaro S, Alonso PL, Mandomando I, Maclennan CA, Tapia MD, Levine MM, Tennant SM, Parkhill J, Dougan G.

30 September 2012

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Publication: Nature

Mutreja A, Kim DW, Thomson NR, Connor TR, Lee JH, Kariuki S, Croucher NJ, Choi SY, Harris SR, Lebens M, Niyogi SK, Kim EJ, Ramamurthy T, Chun J, Wood JL, Clemens JD, Czerkinsky C, Nair GB, Holmgren J, Parkhill J, Dougan G. Evidence for several waves of global transmission in the seventh cholera pandemic.

24 August 2011

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Publication: N Engl J Med

Beardsall K, Vanhaesebrouck S, Ogilvy-Stuart AL, Vanhole C, Palmer CR, van Weissenbruch M, Midgley P, Thompson M, Thio M, Cornette L, Ossuetta I, Theyskens C, de Jong M, Ahluwalia JS, de Zegher F, Dunger DB.

30 October 2008

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Publication: Nature Genetics

Holt K.E., Parkhill J., Mazzoni C.J., Roumagnac P., Weill F-X., Goodhead I., Rance R., Baker S., Maskell D., Wain J., Dolecek C., Achtman M. and Dougan.

27 July 2008

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Publication: Nature

Parkhill J., Dougan G., James K.D., Thomson N.R., Pickard D., Wain J., Churcher C., Mungall K.L., Bentley S.D., Holden M.T.G., Sebaihia M., Baker S., Basham D., Brooks K., Chillingworth T., Connerton P., Cronin A., Davis P., Davies R.M., Dowd L., White N., Farrar J., Feltwell T., Hamlin N., Haque A., Hien T.T., Holroyd S., Jagels K., Krogh A., Larson T.S., Leather S., Moule S., O’Goara P., Parry C., Quail M., Rutherford K., Simmonds M., Skelton J., Stevens K., Whitehead S. and B.G Barrell

25 October 2001

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