
Addenbrooke’s specialist endocrinology services ranked best in UK

In their annual specialist hospital rankings, Newsweek has rated the specialist diabetes and endocrinology services at Addenbrooke’s Hospital as the best in the UK, and 20th internationally. Patients attending clinics through this service Read more

Person typing code into laptop: Free for use under the Pixabay Content Licence.
Software tool will help doctors identify and prevent hospital transmission of SARS-CoV-2

A new software tool developed in Cambridge will help doctors identify where cases of COVID-19 were caused by transmission within a hospital, helping them to prevent further spread of the disease.Read more

Brain scan - NIHR Cambridge BRC image
Age and pre-existing conditions increase risk of stroke among COVID-19 patients

Fourteen out of every 1,000 COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital experience a stroke, a rate that is even higher in older patients and those with severe infection and pre-existing vascular conditions, according to a report.Read more

Scientist looking down a microscope in the lab - NIHR Cambridge BRC image
Tiny golden bullets could help tackle asbestos-related cancers

Gold nanotubes – tiny hollow cylinders one thousandth the width of a human hair – could be used to treat mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.Read more

Lungs icon - McMurrayJulie from Pixabay
‘Mini-lungs’ reveal early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection

To better understand how SARS-CoV-2 infects the lungs and causes disease, a team of scientists from the UK and South Korea turned to organoids – ‘mini-organs’ grown in three dimensions to mimic the behaviour of tissue and organs.Read more

Blood sample - NIHR Cambridge BRC image
Supporting research at Cambridge University Hospitals

As the COVID-19 situation develops, research staff at CUH continue our support of COVID-19 research studies, including Urgent Public Health Studies (UPH), while maintaining safe recruitment to existing open studies. Read more

Two people sitting on bench. Image by Marcela from Pixabay.
Early care for people with psychosis supports recovery

A study with an early intervention mental health service has found that sixty percent of people cared for in their first episode of psychosis recovered well.Read more

Illustration showing human liver in the body. This image was purchased from Abobe Stock with a lifetime usage.
Funding award to develop minimally invasive tools to improve cancer surgery

A device to help treat tumours in the liver has received a £1 million Government grant.Read more

Lungs icon - McMurrayJulie from Pixabay
Punctured lung affects almost one in a hundred hospitalised COVID-19 patients

As many as one in 100 patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 develop a pneumothorax – a ‘punctured lung’ according to a study supported by the NIHR Cambridge BRC. Read more

Blue helix: This image was purchased from Abobe Stock with a lifetime usage.
New model predicts oesophageal cancer eight years early for one in two patients

DNA from tissue biopsies taken from patients with Barrett’s oesophagus – a risk factor for oesophageal cancer – could show which patients are most likely to develop the disease eight years before diagnosis.Read more

Covid-19 cells image from pixabay
New research shows steroid improves survival of critically ill Covid-19 patients

New research published has been able to show that using the steroid hydrocortisone on patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms improves their recovery.Read more

Nurses using SAMBA II - Image from NIHR Cambridge CRF
Combining PCR and antibody tests at point of care dramatically increases COVID-19 detection in hospitalised patients

Cambridge University Hospitals has piloted the use of combined rapid point-of-care nucleic acid and antibody testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection after researchers showed that this approach was superior to virus detection alone for diagnosing COVID-19 disease.Read more

Professor Gordon Dougan - Antimicrobial Resistance theme lead
Gold medal for Professor Gordon Dougan

Professor Gordon Dougan has been awarded the Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal. The award is given to a distinguished member of the global health community who has made extraordinary contributions to vaccinology or a complementary field.Read more

Hands grasping one another. Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay.
Transgender and gender-diverse individuals are more likely to be autistic and report higher autistic traits

Transgender and gender-diverse adults are three to six times more likely as cisgender adults to be diagnosed as autistic, according to a new Cambridge study.Read more

NIHR BioResource nurse with patient taking part in research - NIHR BioResource image
New NHS service enables people to sign up to be contacted for COVID-19 vaccine studies

A new NHS service has been launched, helping people across the UK sign up for information on the new COVID-19 vaccine trials.Read more

Sponge on a string test to transform oesophageal cancer diagnosis

A ‘sponge on a string’ pill test can identify ten times more people with Barrett’s oesophagus than the usual GP route, according new research. Read more

Nurse and patient - NIHR Cambridge BRC image
New funding boost to speed up diagnosis in oesophageal cancer

Cambridge will lead on improving early detection in oesophageal cancer as part of a Government backed projectRead more

NIHR BioResource website
National research platform launches new website

The address is the same, but the next time you visit the NIHR BioResource website, you’ll see it has a brand new look, ready for researchers and the public.Read more

Tactic E Logo
TACTIC-E trial to test whether a simple microbe could be an effective treatment for COVID-19

As part of a new trial, a microbe will be used to treat severe COVID-19 in an experimental drug known as EDP1815. Read more

Genomics lab reading samples - NIHR Cambridge BRC image
Phased re-start of non-COVID-19 research

In line with NIHR guidance, we are beginning the process of phased re-opening of some non-COVID-19 research studies, while maintaining our contribution to local and nationally prioritised urgent public health studies for COVID-19.Read more

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