The following people and organisations have made the research journey of the Cytosponge possible.
Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald and her team would like to thank them for their support:
Thank you to all the patients involved in our clinical trials, without you this research would not be possible.
Also, for the expertise of the Patient and Public Panel members at Cancer Research UK and Cambridge University Hospitals who provided their invaluable help and support.
To the many researchers and clinicians who have made up the team, from Cambridge and from the trials team at King’s College London.
Also, to the following people: Prof Peter Sasieni, Dr Maria O’Donovan, Dr Massi di Pietro, Irene Debiram-Beecham and Tara Evans.
And to the following organisations:
- NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre
- NIHR Cambridge Clinical Research Facility
- NIHR Clinical Research Network Eastern
- UKRI Medical Research Council
- Cancer Research UK
- UKRI Innovate UK
- Medtronic
- Cyted
- Heartburn Cancer UK