Tracking, Reporting and Oversight
Our EDGE Support Team support all elements of EDGE use and user engagement across the trust – including training, query resolution and complex site or study mapping support.
Intellectual Property
Human Resources
The team also processes research passports which allow non-trust employed researchers access to research carried out by the Trust.
Costings and Finance
They can support calculation of costings for projects not on the CRN portfolio, supply finance sign-off for grants and approve recruitment via the Trust. They will also support you with invoicing, and provide you with a cost code so you can start spending your grant.
Communication and Dissemination
They can advise BRC-funded researchers on correctly acknowledging funding and support and help all researchers to disseminate their research by connecting them with communications colleagues across campus and university.
Research Registration and Governance
All Studies
All research taking place at CUH with patients or staff needs to be registered through the R&D office. The Research Governance Team can review research applications and authorise sponsorship of clinical research. They will guide you through the necessary regulatory submissions and work with commercial and non-commercial entities to facilitate set-up and delivery of high-quality clinical research. For studies that have not undergone assessment of scientific quality as part of the funding process, the CUH Research Advisory Committee will undertake independent expert review.
Data Studies
The Trust supports the ethical use of health and research data for research purposes. Our Research Governance Clinical Informatics Lead can help researchers navigate the regulatory and legal requirements for data studies and has particular expertise in research relating to secondary uses of data and consent.
Investigational Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Non-CTIMPs
The NIHR UKCRC registered Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit (CCTU) collaborates with investigators in the planning and conduct of high-quality research projects included in their diverse portfolio. Administrative resources offered for full collaboration include all aspects of research (project) management from funding applications, research approvals and site set-up through to data management, statistical analysis and reporting. In addition the CCTU Regulatory Team undertakes all delegated Sponsor responsibilities for Cambridge-sponsored CTIMPs.
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
Patients and the public can be involved in your research right from the very earliest stages, continuing throughout a research project. The PPI Team can advise on PPI strategy and signpost to training and further resources.
Research Design, Funding and Feasibility
The Research Design Service East of England can advise on all aspects of research design, from methodological considerations to statistical requirements for applied Health and Social Care research grants, with particular expertise in National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) awards. They can review grant/funding proposals and also provide support and practice for mock interview; a requirement of NIHR Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships.
The Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit can advise on all CTIMP and non-CTIMP research trial design and funding options.
The NIHR CRN Portfolio Support Manager can also advise on study feasibility, SoECAT completion and CRN Nurse support for studies intended to be adopted onto the portfolio.