NIHR Cambridge BRC Cell Phenotyping Hub
The Hub’s mission is to deliver advanced scientific technologies for supporting the excellence in research of a partnership between the University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The Hub provides state-of-the-art resources and cost-effective high quality scientific, educational and technological expertise and services across the wide range of cytomics and immune phenotyping. These services fall mainly into three major areas: research service, clinical services and technology services. They include but are not limited to fluorescence-activated and magnetic cell isolation and purification, single cell analysis, confocal imaging, sample preparation (laser capture microdissection and blood processing) and comprehensive phenotyping from sample to data. The Hub is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including high-speed cell sorters, bench-top analysers and high content/high throughput equipment.
A further function of the Hub is to collect and to disseminate the unique technological and scientific expertise crucial for promoting and supporting patient-based basic research and for translating basic biological findings into clinical practice. The Hub drives technological innovations and applies technical and instrumental advances to expand the portfolio of services and fulfill the emerging research needs. Our group consists of research and support scientists and technologists with a long history record of research and development and with commensurate levels of scientific and technical expertise. Through our collaborative Research and Development service we foster and fortify collaborations that result in many major publications across nearly all Departments of the Clinical School and BRC themes.
The main Hub laboratories are located in the Jeffrey Cheah Biomedical Centre and on Levels 5 and 6 of the Addenbrooke’s main hospital block. Additional outlet is being established in the laboratories of HLRI. For access to the Hub services, all new clients and prospective collaborators are invited to attend a Hub induction to discuss their research needs and to customise service provision (contact via e-mail below).