Clinical Trials Pharmacy
The team also have growing experience with Advanced Therapy IMPs and work closely with Cambridge Cellular Therapy Laboratory to provide pharmaceutical governance for studies involving cellular treatments.
Pharmacy clinical trial support is an integral part of the research process and has a vital role to play in safeguarding participants, healthcare professionals and the Trust by ensuring IMPs and other study medications are appropriate for use and are procured, handled, stored and used safely and correctly in line with regulatory requirements. A dedicated Clinical Trials Dispensary is on site and pharmacy aseptic dispensing facilities are also available.
For Trust-sponsored Clinical Trials of IMPs (CTIMPs), pharmacy are involved from the outset of a project and work closely with Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit to advise on costings for grant applications, protocol design and review of the overall trial application in relation to medication, including manufacturing and participating site aspects. Pharmacy will also advise on non-CTIMP research as required.