Cambridge Clinical Trials Unit
The CCTU works with researchers from Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) to conduct the highest quality clinical research, addressing important questions related to human health and disease. Major areas within our portfolio include: oncology, cardiovascular disease, infection and immunity, paediatrics, neurology, neurosciences and trauma, imaging, surgery and peri-operative care.
We strive to deliver world class clinical trials ranging from national to international, single to multi-centre, CTIMPS, non-CTIMPs and medical device trials. The CCTU supports all trial stages, from study design, costing grant proposals, developing protocols, obtaining necessary approvals, delivery and quality control, to data management, final analysis and dissemination.
The CCTU is part of the NIHR UKCRC Registered CTU Network, and receives NIHR CTU Support Funding to develop and conduct NIHR trials. The CCTU is also a member of the NCRI Cancer CTU. We are a founding member of the International Clinical Trials Centre Network, which aims to improve clinical research by fostering collaborations worldwide.
Find out more details of their studies and Covid-19 research.