Epic Research Seminar and Q&A session for all research staff

Following the high demand last year, the eHospital Research Design Authority has arranged another two Epic research seminars for research staff who actively use the Epic system at CUH.

These sessions will give research staff the opportunity to hear about the latest research specific developments and enhancements in the Epic system. There will be a presentation delivered by the eHospital Research team to demonstrate the features and functionality requirements, followed by an opportunity for staff to ask questions with the eHospital Research Design Authority team about using Epic for research studies. These seminars are open to all research staff at CUH who are active Epic users.

If you missed last year’s seminars, it is advisable for you to attend one of these sessions to understand the processes in the Epic system, meet and hear the latest information from the eHospital Research Design Authority and for you to feedback any issues. Places are limited and will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. The seminars will be on:

  • 20 April, 09:00-12:00 – Room 4 Deakin Centre, Level 1
  • 16 May, 14:00:17:00 – Room 4 Deakin Centre, Level 1

To book a place email: sylvie.robinson@addenbrookes.nhs.uk with ‘Seminar’ in the subject heading and with the date you would like to attend. You are invited to send any questions you have in advance of the seminar, so that the team have an opportunity to prepare an answer ahead of the event.

**This seminar is for all research staff at CUH who are active Epic users**

Laptop with notepad: Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay.
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