Extra EDGE training dates for Cambridge research staff

In March 2017, an announcement was made by the NIHR that instructed each Clinical Research Network (CRN) to obtain a Local Portfolio Management System on behalf of their partner organisations. The system chosen for use at Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) by the CRN Eastern was EDGE.

Last year information was sent out to research staff to make sure they had nominated administrators to be trained and start recording study recruitment data on the system. Since then, research staff have been using this new cloud-based system to capture clinical trials data and support the delivery and maintenance of research at CUH.

EDGE is not a replacement for the Central Portfolio Management System (CPMS) but it does integrate into CPMS. EDGE will cover recruitment for CUH as a site but only for portfolio studies. Staff will still need to add recruitment data to CPMS for studies where CUH is the lead.

How to know if you need to receive the training?

  • Do you have access to EPIC?
  • Are you in a Research Team?
  • Are you involved in an active Portfolio Research Study?
  • Will you be responsible to upload recruitment for CUH?

If you have answered “YES” to all of these questions, you will need to attend the EDGE End User Training sessions. Choose the date below you would like attend and complete the form.


Wednesday 16th May 09:30 – 11:00

For more information email Paloma Amigo, LPMS Manager. Places are allocated on a first-come, first serve basis.

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