Gut Reaction

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The Health Data Research Hub for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Bringing together real-world health data in a secure environment to support ground-breaking research into IBD.

Gut Reaction is the Health Data Research Hub for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) – one of seven hubs set up by Health Data Research UK (HDRUK) utilising health data to address major health challenges.

Watch this three-minute animation to find out how Gut Reaction is helping doctors and researchers understand more about what causes IBD and how best to treat it:

Led by Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and funded by HDRUK, Gut Reaction is a resource available to everyone – researchers, clinicians and patients.

IBD includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Together, these conditions affect around 500,000 people in the UK. They cause recurring abdominal symptoms and bowel symptoms, and can cause problems outside the gut, affecting the joints, eyes or skin. IBD needs long-term treatment and often major surgery, and can significantly affect the lives of those who live with it.

Gut Reaction builds on the high-quality health data in the NIHR IBD BioResource by combining it with ‘real-world’ data from participating NHS hospitals and the IBD Registry. This allows researchers to use the pooled data to support important research into IBD.

Gut Reaction is working with hospitals, industry and, most importantly, patients to create a unique, secure data resource for scientists in order to speed research for people living with IBD.

What does Gut Reaction do?

Find out more…

You can also watch this short film (1:50 min), which introduces Gut Reaction

Dr Miles Parkes

“By working together with patients, industry, academia and the health service Gut Reaction will transform our understanding of inflammatory bowel disease. Excitingly, it has the potential to turn a severe disease into a mild disease and we hope deliver a sustainable model that could be replicated for other disease areas.”

Dr Miles Parkes, Clinical and Academic Lead, Gut Reaction

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Find out more about the UK Health Data Research Alliance, convened by HDRUK to help researchers address the most important health challenges faced in the UK.

Gut Reaction partners
Discover more about the NIHR Cambridge BRC

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Listing relevant events and training sessions for researchers and members of the public.