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imag of Data Science and Population Health Theme lead: Professor Michael Inouye

Theme lead: Professor Michael Inouye

Professor Michael Inouye is Director of Research in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge and Director of the Cambridge Baker Systems Genomics Initiative.

Mike began his science career at 19 years old when he began analysing data from the draft Human Genome Project, spending several years doing research in gene finding and protein structure prediction. He continued studying protein structure as a graduate student at UCLA, but returned to genomics in 2005 when he moved to the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. While at Sanger, Mike completed his PhD with Prof Leena Peltonen and Prof Gert-Jan van Ommen and was heavily involved in genome-wide association studies as well as integrative analyses of multi-omic data. After a postdoc at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, he was recruited to the faculty at the University of Melbourne in 2012 where he built a research program in systems genomics with a focus on clinical and public health applications.

His research focuses on: (i) Improved prediction, prevention and management of common diseases through the development and translation of polygenic scores, (ii) Uncovering insights into disease aetiology through integrative analysis of multi-omics data, and (iii) Development of open computational tools and resources which support translational research.


Photo of Professor Angela Wood

Theme co-lead: Professor Angela Wood

Professor Angela Wood holds the position as Professor of Health Data Science in the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Cambridge. Angela received her BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics in 1998 and subsequently completed her doctorate on the subject of joint modeling longitudinal and time-to-event data. She carried out post-doctoral research at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge and was appointed in 2006 to University Lecturer in Biostatistics in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Cambridge.

Angela holds leadership roles for major national and local health data science initiatives, including BHF Data Science Centre Associate Director and Theme Lead for Structured Data; Regional co-Lead for Health Data Research UK Cambridge; Programme Leader in the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Donor Health and Behaviour and co-Lead of the Data-Analysis Work-package in BigData@Heart.


Antonis Antoniou

Professor of Cancer Risk Prediction

Adam Butterworth

Professor of Molecular Epidemiology

John Danesh

Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine

Emanuele Di Angelantonio

NHSBT Professor of Donor Health

Ari Ercole

Deputy Chief Clinical Informatics Officer

Anne Forde

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Manager

Victoria Keevil

Consultant Physician

Hilary Martin

Group Leader, Medical & Population Genomics

Helen Parkinson

Head of Knowledge Management

Gosia Trynka

Experimental Science Director

Sofia Villar

Programme Leader Track in Efficient Study Design

John Whittaker

Director / Professor of Biostatistics

Angela Wood

Professor of Health Data Science

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