Edge End-User trainings and drop-in sessions – 2025
The CUH EDGE Team are holding a series of both online and class-based trainings combined with Drop-in sessions throughout 2025 for all research staff.
EDGE End-User Training is suitable for those new to EDGE and those who would like to refresh their knowledge on adding or updating participant records on Edge for their research studies at CUH.
Drop-In Sessions are for all research staff already using Edge who need support on general use of the Edge system.
Research staff can ask for guidance and support on:
- GCP and CV Certificate uploads
- Participant recruitment uploads and related queries
- A quick refresh demo in “How to” do a particular task in Edge
- Resolving any queries related to Edge use.
Dates for January and February 2025:
- Wednesday 8th January 14:00-16:00 MS Teams (first hour training, second hour drop-in)
- Friday 31st January 09:30-12:30 Room DK10, Deakin Centre (first two hours training, third hour drop-in)
- Wednesday 12th February 14:00-16:00 MS Teams (first hour training, second hour drop-in)
- Monday 24th February 09:30-12:30 Room DK10, Deakin Centre (first two hours training, third hour drop-in)
Please find the remaining dates for 2025 in the Registration Form, or contact the CUH EDGE Team (cuh.edge@nhs.net).