Contact us about PPI training for researchers

Expression of interest form for Patient and Public Involvement training

The researchers’ training that you have clicked on has already occurred, or is fully booked, or a future date is still to be arranged. Please complete the form below to express your interest in a particular training session, this will help us to plan relevant training for researchers.

Sessions are free for students and staff from the NIHR, NHS, UK universities, public sector institutions and registered charities based in the UK. Please USE a work-associated work email when you register for a training session (e.g., etc.).

You will receive an invitation when the next date becomes available, before it is advertised publicly.

Name (Required)
Email (Required)
Title of the training you are interested in attending (select all that apply) (Required)
Title of the training you are interested in attending (select all that apply)(Required)
Any further information you would like to provide e.g. your research department, your area of interest etc.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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