PPI Enquiry form

We are glad to hear that you are interested in supporting research. There are many ways that you can do this.


Engaging with research means learning more about topics that interest you, by attending events such as talks. If you would like to learn more about health research through public engagement events, please see our Events Calendar.


Getting involved with research means sharing your views and opinions on research studies to make sure that the perspective of patients and the general public is considered by researchers. Involvement can impact the planning, management, design and communication of research. One of the ways that you can do this is by joining the CUH PPI Panel, where you can:

  • Share your opinion with researchers
  • Learn more about health research
  • Gain new skills
  • Meet researchers
  • See a ‘behind the scenes’ view of our research
  • Find out about talk and other local events

There are also many other involvement opportunities that the CUH PPI Team can signpost you to. Many of these opportunities relate to specific conditions, like cancer.


Participating in research means acting as a participant in a research study, such as a clinical trial. When you are a research participant, information about what has happened to you in the study is used to answer a question (e.g. does this drug effectively treat this condition), to improve outcomes for patients.

If you would like to learn more, please fill out the form below and someone from the PPI Team will be in touch.

Name (Required)
Email (Required)
I am interested in (please tick all that apply):
I am interested in (please tick all that apply):
Your comments (optional)
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