The NIHR Cambridge BRC is part of the NIHR and hosted by Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with the University of Cambridge. We are at the heart of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Europe’s largest health research area.
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Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre
Box 277
Hills Road
Tel: 01223 348490
New #research from Cambridge @Cambridge_Uni shows the need to prioritise #vaccine boosters for those with weakned immune systems to #prevent emergence of new #Covid variants.
@CUH_NHS @NIHRresearch @Gates_Cambridge #vasculitisUK
>> To find out more:
Association of Accelerometer‐Measured Sedentary Accumulation Patterns With Incident Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and All‐Cause Mortality
Data Resource Profile: United Kingdom National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme (2008-19)
Effects of Limiting Recreational Screen Media Use on Physical Activity and Sleep in Families With Children: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial
Dysregulation of macrophage PEPD in obesity determines adipose tissue fibro-inflammation and insulin resistance
Association Between Physical Activity and Risk of Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis