This study is jointly Sponsored by Cambridge University Hospitals and The University of Cambridge.
The acute effects of COVID-19 are now well described. Evidence is emerging of serious longer-term complications occurring in the convalescent phase of the illness in a significant proportion of patients; particularly cardiovascular and pulmonary complications.
Patients have reported a range of longer-term symptoms associated with Long COVID that have significant impacts on their quality of life.
To date, there has been little work evaluating treatments in the convalescent phase of COVID-19. HEAL-COVID aims to evaluate the impact of treatments on longer-term morbidity, mortality, re-hospitalisation, symptom burden and quality of life associated with COVID-19.
The first two treatment arms are Apixaban and Atorvastatin, with further treatment arms to be added at the direction of the UK COVID-19 Therapeutic Advisory Panel (UKCTAP).