Risks of second primary cancers among 584,965 female and male breast cancer survivors in England: a 25-year retrospective cohort study
Publication: The Lancet regional health – Europe
Isaac Allen, Hend Hassan, Walburga Yvonne Joko-Fru, Catherine Huntley, Lucy Loong, Tameera Rahman, Bethany Torr, Andrew Bacon, Craig Knott, Sophie Jose, Sally Vernon, Margreet Lüchtenborg, Joanna Pethick, Katrina Lavelle, Fiona McRonald, Diana Eccles, Eva J.A Morris, Steven Hardy, Clare Turnbull,
Marc Tischkowitz, Paul Pharoah, Antonis C. Antoniou,
25 April 2024
Survivors of breast cancer are at significantly higher risk of developing second cancers, including endometrial and ovarian cancer for women and prostate cancer for men, according to new research studying data from almost 600,000 NHS England patients. Read the full news item.