Dr Nicholas Evans

Prestigious lectureship award for NIHR Cambridge BRC stroke researcher

Congratulations to Dr Nicholas Evans, who has been awarded the prestigious Royal College of Physicians Linacre Lectureship.

The lectureship, which is awarded annually, is presented to a clinical academic under the age of 40 for their translational research in medicine.

Stroke Association Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Dr Evans will deliver his lecture “Advances in stroke medicine: blood vessels, brains and beyond” at the Royal College of Physicians on Monday 25th March.

Dr Evans said: “The lecture will focus on advances in stroke medicine over the last 20 years and the translational work being done in Cambridge and the region.

“Those advances have been really quite amazing.

“My grandmother had a stroke in the 1990s and she didn’t recover. Now we’re seeing people who have had a thrombectomy following stroke walking out of hospital within days, and they are making excellent physical recoveries.

“My research looks at what happens when carotid arteries (the blood vessels to the brain) fur up – this is atherosclerosis and it’s a major cause of stroke.

“But we need to look more closely at the effects downstream on the brain from this inflammation, this furring up of arteries.

“Understanding this interaction between what’s happening in the blood vessels and brain health may help provide new therapeutic approaches for reducing the effects of stroke.

“Finally I’d like to thank NIHR Cambridge BRC for their huge support to my work and the research of my colleagues in stroke, imaging and cardiovascular medicine.

“They have certainly made a difference.”

  • Every year around 100,000 people in the UK will have a stroke. Stroke is a leading cause of adult disability, and cerebrovascular disease more broadly is a major cause of dementia.
  • “Advances in stroke medicine: blood vessels, brains and beyond” Linacre lecture 2024 is being live-streamed from the Royal College of Physicians and is open to all members (registration free). For more information visit this link.
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