Dementia wellbeing and COVID-19: Review and expert consensus on current research and knowledge gaps
Publication: Geriatric Psychiatry
Kathy Y. Liu, Robert Howard, Sube Banerjee, Adelina Comas-Herrera, Joanne Goddard, Martin Knapp, Gill Livingston, Jill Manthorpe, John T. O’Brien, Ross W. Paterson, Louise Robinson, Martin Rossor, James B. Rowe, David J. Sharp, Andrew Sommerlad, Aida Suárez-González, Alistair Burns
16 May 2021
In response to a commissioned research update on dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic, a UK-based working group, comprising dementia researchers from a range of fields and disciplines, aimed to describe the impact of the pandemic on dementia wellbeing and identify priorities for future research.