Differential early subcortical involvement in genetic FTD within the GENFI cohort
Publication: NeuroImage: Clinical
Martina Bocchetta, Emily G. Todd, Georgia Peakman, David M. Cash, Rhian S. Convery, Lucy L.Russell, David L. Thomas, Juan Eugenio Iglesias, John C.van Swieten, Lize C. Jiskootf, Harro Seelaar, Barbara Borronig, Daniela Galimbertihi, Raquel Sanchez-Vallej, Robert Laforce Jr, Fermin Morenol, Matthis Synofzik, Caroline Graffno, Mario Masellis, Maria Carmela Tartaglia, James B.Rower, Rik Vandenberghes, Elizabeth, Finger, Fabrizio Tagliaviniu, Alexandrede Mendonçav, Isabel Santanaw, Chris R.Butlerx, Simon Ducharmey, Alexander Gerhardza, AdrianDanek, JohannesLevina, Markus Ottoac, Sandro Sorbiad, Isabelle Le Beraeafag, Florence Pasquierahaiaj, Jonathan D.Rohrera.
29 March 2021
Studies have previously shown evidence for presymptomatic cortical atrophy in genetic FTD. Whilst initial investigations have also identified early deep grey matter volume loss, little is known about the extent of subcortical involvement, particularly within subregions, and how this differs between genetic groups.