Cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle behaviours in relation to longevity: a Mendelian randomization study
Publication: Journal of Internal Medicine
S. van Oort, J. W. J. Beulens, A. J. van Ballegooijen, S. Burges,s S. C. Larsson
26 October 2020
The American Heart Association introduced the Life’s Simple 7 initiative to improve cardiovascular health by modifying cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle behaviours. It is unclear whether these risk factors are causally associated with longevity.
This study aimed to investigate causal associations of Life’s Simple 7 modifiable risk factors, as well as sleep and education, with longevity using the two‐sample Mendelian randomization design.
Risk factors associated with a lower odds of longevity included the following: genetic liability to type 2 diabetes, genetically predicted systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol and smoking initiation. Genetically increased high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol and educational level were associated with a higher odds of longevity. Fasting glucose and other lifestyle factors were not significantly associated with longevity.
Most of the Life’s Simple 7 modifiable risk factors are causally related to longevity. Prevention strategies should focus on modifying these risk factors and reducing education inequalities to improve cardiovascular health and longevity.