Descriptive epidemiology of energy expenditure in the UK: findings from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey
Publication: International Journal of Epidemiology
Brage S, Lindsay T, Venables M, Wijndaele K, Westgate K, Collins D, et al.
19 March 2020
This is the first nationally representative study of human energy expenditure, covering the UK in the period 2008-2015.
Key messages:
- Total energy expenditure (MJ/day) increases steadily with age throughout childhood and adolescence, peaks in the 3rd decade of life in women and 4th decade of life in men, before decreasing gradually in old age.
- Physical activity energy expenditure (kJ/day/kg or kJ/day/kg fat-free mass) declines steadily with age from childhood to old age, more steeply so in males.
- Body-fat percentage is strongly inversely associated with physical activity energy expenditure.
- We found little evidence that energy expenditure varied by geographical region, over time, or by dietary macronutrient composition.