It’s your data – so have your say in how it should be used

How do you think health data should be shared and used – and who should share it?

Now’s your chance to tell Cambridge researchers what you think about accessing, sharing and using YOUR health data – in an online survey from the CLIMB research project.

The survey should only take you about 20 minutes and will ask you questions about your views on sharing your health data for both clinical and research purposes. The information you provide will be anonymous.

You can find out more about CLIMB and what the survey is aiming to achieve on their website.

Who can take part?
  • Anyone who lives in the UK – this is a national survey
  • Anyone who is over 16 – children under 16 can also take part, as long as they have their parent’s/guardian’s permission
I use local services in Cambridge – what options do I choose for questions about where I heard about the survey?
  • NIHR Cambridge BRC is not an option, simply choose where applicable “Hospital” and then “Addenbrooke’s”

Please feel free to forward to family and friends, far and wide! You can do it for or on behalf of children and remember, it only takes about 20 minutes.

Begin the survey.

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