Embryonal precursors of Wilms tumor
Publication: Science
Tim H. H. Coorens, Taryn D. Treger, Reem Al-Saadi, Luiza Moore, Maxine G. B., Thomas J. Mitchell, Suzanne Tugnait, Christine Thevanesan, Matthew D. Young, Thomas R. W. Oliver, Minou Oostveen, Grace Collord, Patrick S. Tarpey, Alex Cagan, Yvette Hooks, Mark Brougham, Ben C. Reynolds, Giuseppe Barone, John Anderson, Mette Jorgensen, G. A. Amos Burke, Johannes Visser, James C. Nicholson, Naima Smeulders, Imran Mushtaq, Grant D. Stewart, Peter J. Campbell, David C. Wedge, Iñigo Martincorena, Dyanne Rampling, Liz Hook, Anne Y. Warren, Nicholas Coleman, Tanzina Chowdhury, Neil Sebire, Jarno Drost, Kourosh Saeb-Parsy, Michael R. Stratton, Karin Straathof, Kathy Pritchard-Jones, Sam Behjati
6 December 2019
Wilms tumour is the most common type of kidney cancer in childhood but it was not previously known how it arose in children’s kidneys. This research found out that both pediatric and adult kidney cancer arise in a similar way, from premalignant clonal expansions.