Research nurses present award winning work at international conference

The NIHR BioResource presented their award winning ‘Volunteer-Centric Model of Research Nursing’ at the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses.

The award-winning ‘Volunteer-Centric Model of Research Nursing’ published by the NIHR BioResource nursing team won a Nursing Times award in 2015.

NIHR BioResource research nurses Kelly Beer and Tracy Cook (pictured top left and centre) attended the conference in Rhode Island, USA to represent the NIHR BioResource team and present their model of research nursing. The focus for this year’s conference was “Clinical Research Nursing: Incorporating Professional Scope and Standards to Advance the Coordination and Care of Research Participants”.

Their presentation described the ‘Volunteer-Centric’ model, which facilitates the recruitment and engagement of volunteers in a translational research setting. The conference provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the team’s work and highlight the variety of research being undertaken at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

NIHR BioResource Research Nurse Tracy Cook said: “It was a fantastic opportunity to be able to present work that we are passionate about here at NIHR BioResource, and to share this with the wider research nurse community. The conference was inspiring and it is exciting to be part of an international group of research nurses. It highlighted that although we work in different countries with different healthcare cultures, we share the same challenges and are striving for the same outcomes.”

Lead Nurse Kelly Beer added: “We were very proud to be able to tell the audience about the amazing commitment and support that our volunteers give to the NIHR BioResource. It was a great pleasure to represent the NIHR BioResource at this event.”

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